Stillwood Manor One Shot Campaign

Published on 29 October 2023 at 22:52

Stillwood Manor One Shot Campaign... recap.

Its FALL 1st of 1505AD....

The group meets for the first time in the sitting room on the first floor. They meet Mr. Robert Stillwood and his Grandson Tyler. Mr. Stillwood informs them that he does not trust that all of his staff have good intentions and that he wants them to snoop around and figuring out who is, "poisoning" his manor. The players learn they are not the first group of adventurers to be given this quest. His head of servants Ms. Madam Lamore suddenly enters in and escorts the group down the hall to the "Guest Wing". She informs them do not listen to Mr. Robert Stillwood and she advices staying in their room. She states she will come grab them when dinner is ready and she leaves. 

The group divides up into 4 bedrooms. Doxy enters his room and turns to discover the strange adventurer with a mask is actually his younger brother Dracon who followed him here. This greatly upsets Doxy. Meanwhile Theodosia goes into her own room and looks around, she doesnt take anything and decides to listen to Ms. Madam Lamores advice and stays in her room. Across the hall from her is Zlyphyra and Lily who both snoop around the room. Zylphyra notes all the windows are barred from the outside and that something feels off. As he looks around he finds a covered mirrow, curious he lowers it revealing that the reflection in the mirror is not his own and is instead of a young man staring back at him. Lily, while stealing what she can, notes its creepy and they cover the mirror once again. Lily heads out to find a restroom at this time.

Morgan on the other hand heads out to explore the surroundings. He enters a room and finds a mask with red X's and a large knife and decides to take it to avoid someone using it. As hes leaving faint notices someone watching him then scuring down the hall. He decides to pursue and follows them into the Kitchen. He hears a crash sound and as he enters he sees a little boy run into the adjacent room. He investigates the room finding a small mug had fallen and broken on the ground. He picks it up and sets it back before begin startled by Angster, a short white harengon. Angster expresses how upset she is that Morgan is in HER kitchen and demands he leaves. Morgan eventually leaves the room after not wanting to deal with Angster. Morgan heads down to the dining room discovering the grand set up and the 8 creepy portraits all looking at him. 4 are smiling.

Lily on the other hand finally finds the nearest restroom and enters it. She stops as she notices once again the reflection in the mirror is not her own and is instead a blonde woman. She asks the woman a question and before she knows it the woman starts to sob uncontrollably. The bathtub, toilet and sink begin to overflow, and the bathroom slowly starts to fill with water. Lily is unable to open the door behind her and starts to scream for help. Dracon and Doxy, who had left their room after only finding a hidden compartment in the chest in their room, hear Lilys muffled screams and Dracon rushes over to help. He is unable to make the door budge until Zylphyra rushes over and together they break the door. Lily, as the water reaches her neck, comes spilling out along with all the water.

Lily and Zylphyra go back to their room so Lily can change. However, the only clothes available are of some young man's clothes in the wardrobe in their room. The brothers hear some footsteps coming down the hall and decide to investigate meeting the Mansions bard and sole entertainment, Bob. Meanwhile the beloved Zarira had found a room to herself, did a little investigating and while relaxing on her bed smoking a cigarette she witnesses a woman laying on the roof. Alarmed she stares back as the womans face starts to morph into her own. The torches blow out and then after a second they ignite once more revealing the spirit to be gone. She brushes this odd encounter off and smokes another cigarette.

Lily and Zylphyra decide to leave their rooms and go to the dining room for dinner. The brothers talk with Bob for a little bit before hearing Ms. Madam Lamore call Bobs name. The boys then head off to explore before being interrupted by Ms. Madam Lamore. She is upset they are out of their room but sends them to the dining room where dinner is ready. She then goes down the hall to Theodosia's Room and tells her to go to Dinner. 

The group all heads to the dining room where they enjoy a lavish meal with the entire house. There they meet the Optre Housekeepers, a husband-and-wife duo. They note the wife does not feel well and she leaves shortly after the meal begins. Tyler throws food on Doxy and Dracon before Ms. Madam Lamore gets upset and tells him to go to his room and brings him up there. Eventually the table empties but the main adventurers and Robert Stillwood remain. 

They talk indebth about whats going on and learn that for the last 10 Veznolitas Robert has lived in fear as he watched everyone die. His daughter, Emilee, a blonde young woman and Tylers mom, died last year falling into a trap. He then heads upstairs to rest leaving our weary adventurers. The group gets up to leave when Morgan notices that 7 out of 8 portraits are closing their eyes now. All but the center portrait; the portrait is of an older man and suddenly the lights go out. When they go up the main in the portrait disappears. The doors slam shut and lock and the ghostly manifestation of the old man appears infront of it. He raises his arm and points at Dracon and simply starts to say, "DIE" "DIE" "DIE!" He then disappears and a young man instead appears in the portrait. After a moment he walks out from the portrait and screams for the group to get out.  The group begin their first encounter. The ghost rushes towards Dracon simply touching his shoulder and causes 11 nectrotic damage. The group goes on to almost defeat the ghoul before it runs off. Leaving Zarira with 9 points of health and Dracon with 9 points of health. During the battle Theodosia is able to cast a spell to force open the door allowing everyone to escape with their lives. 

Freaked out and wounded they all decide to go back to their rooms and wait out the remaining hours, collect the money and leave. Dracon and Doxy head through the southern hall while the rest of the group except Zarira head down the western hall. On their way back to their room Dracon ends up falling through the floor into a mix of steal bars, concrete, wooden floorboards, etc. which stab and pierce his body causing 11 damage... killing him. Doxy screams for help, and Zarira attempts to get the other attentions but the others are not persuaded. Doxy mourns the loss of his brother before being confronted by Ms. Madam Lamore and Qwert. Qwert leaves to get a tool to help pull the bodies up. Ms. Madam Lamore then attempts to calm Doxy down.

Doxy rejects this and socks Ms. Madam Lamore in the face. She responds by casting "Inflict Wounds" and causing 11 damage to Doxy. She demands he backs off and goes back to his room. He does so. Zarira watching all of this starts to approuch but before she can get there she falls for a similar trap and falls through the floor to her doom. She takes 11damage and dies instantly. 

Both players wake up in the afterlife.

The remaining group members go back to their rooms freaked out by the entire encounter. Morgan and Theodosia pair up and stay in one room together. Its Tyler Stillwood the young grandson and he wants to play tag. He demands they play tag with him since hes their bosses grandson and he was told they have to do what he says. They talk back and forth but ultimately agree to play tag ONLY on the first floor. Meanwhile Zylphyra and Lily decide to investigate more and head out toward the library. Doxy mourns the loss of his final brother alone in his room and Zarira follows Qwert as he cleans up the mess Dracon and her bodies made. He takes out their mangled bodies then starts to go upstairs. 

Morgan and Theodosia get a 10 second head start and both book it down the hall. Suddenly a large werewolf comes from out of the 

room smiling ear to ear and begins the play, "tag". Morgan goes left while Theodosia runs straight down the hall. Tyler stalks them both but is unable to catch them. He resorts to going to Doxys room and knocking on the door. He feeds into Doxys anger and convinces him to "play tag" with him and try to "tag" the others. He hands him a small poisoned dagger and they split up to corner Morgan and Theodosia. Meanwhile Dracon had been going through rooms fo entertainment before finding Theodosia hiding in one. He decides to use his ghostly abilities to write her a letter confirming his death. Theodosia responds by breaking down and apologizing to Dracon. Dracon simply moves on to the next room discovering Mr. Optre and the mansions Cook Angster engaging in scandolous behavior. Shocked by the scandel he 

stays and over hears them talking about how long poisoning Mrs. Optre is taking. They then go back to making out and more. 

Zylphyra and Lily explore and investigate the library. Zylphyra checks a room and discovers himself in a bathroom. Once again he in confronted with the spirit of Emilee who begins to cry and scream. Luckily Morgan and Lily are able to break him out but not before he cast Fog? and hot boxed the entire room with fog. Once out they begin to barricade the room. Unfortunately for them Dracon arrived and decides to throw the boxes and furniture away from the door so they would have no barriers. Morgan decides to leave and run to the room he found the knife and mask in earlier. He locks himself in using his abilities and sits down with the knife, bracing for his moment to come. 

Qwert brings Zariras and Dracon's bodies to Tylers bedroom dropping them in a large empty chest. Zarira who has been following him uses her abilities to show herself in the mirror. She then goes on to ask Qwert to end his life and join her in the afterlife. Zarira rolls high to persuade while Qwert rolls low to counter. Qwert nods and asks if it will hurt to which she says no. He then goes down the hall to a broken stairwell and throws himself down it. He falls to his untimely death being pierced by the broken jagged wooden pieces below. Qwert wakes up in the afterlife and heads downstairs towards where everyone is with Zarira.

Meanwhile Theodosia is still in the room processing the horrible message Dracon left for her; her mourning is broken by the sound of knocking on the door. Tyler, now back in his human form, is knocking on the door. He apologizes and says they can stop the game. Theodosia says she needs to apologize to Doxy. Tyler looks to Doxy who is standing outside the door hiding the knife. Theodosia eventually comes out and apologizes to Doxy who forgives her. This upsets Tyler who begins to complain and demands Doxy kill her. Doxy says he wont and points behind Tyler saying, "Is that your mom?" Tyler quickly turns around to look for his mother only for Doxy to stab him with his own dagger in the back. Doxy pulls it out and as Tyler falls to the ground a trap is triggered causing his small body to fall into the hole being pierced by debri below and dying on impact.

While Tyler was being murdered Lily and Zylphyra were discovering a large constrictor snake hidden in the ceiling. They are able to figure out the Serpant can only see 10 ft infront of it and they are able to hide. In an attempt to escape Zylphyra casts an illusion spell of another version of him near the outter wall. The snake spots the illusion and rushes to eat it only to slam into the wall giving time of Lily to make a break for it. Zylphyra notices the wall is severely damaged and casts the spell again able to trick the snake once more and the snake slams into the wall creating a hole large enough for a humanoid to be able to crawl through. Lily escapes the library while Zylphyra rushes to the hole and successfully gets out.

Morgan prepares to his end his life fearing death is around the corner until his husband Vin reveals himself to him and comforts him. He begs him not to do what he is thinking and that someone has escaped the mansion. He encourages Morgan to fight for his life and that he is with him. Morgan, encouraged, gets up and leaves the room heading down the hall to where Dracon and Theodosia are. At this moment Angster and Lenard (Mr. Optre) leave their room hearing the commotion. Lily bursts out from the Library screaming about a giant snake. Morgan in response to seeing the Cheating uses Mage Hand to grab the 2 small home wreckers and throw them to the snake in the Library. Dracon meanwhile had found his body, repossessed it, and confronts Doxy with his reanimated corpse.

At this time Zlyphyra had made his way to the front of the mansion and simply opens the door. The trapped group realizes this and everyone heads to the front entrance to leave.

They are confronted with their Last Obstacle. Ms. Madam Lamore and Robert Stillwood himself but in a large phase spider form. Ms. Madam Lamore denies them access to leave and attempts to kill Doxy but ends up killing Bob instead. The group begins their last Encounter and is able to kill both Robert Stillwood and Ms. Madam Lamore.


Qwert and Zarira leave to go find Qwerts long lost brother Kur. Doxy, Lily, Morgan and Theodosia leave scarred for life. The rest of the souls go in peace and the Stillwood One shot comes to an end.

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