The Intar Dungeon

LICTIOUS ROOM - Theme Puzzle

[Activates when players touch ANYTHING]

Game plan: [DM]

Players will trigger the trap. The room will start to fill with sand as they begin the puzzle. 



  • {spec} Orange Prosthetic Schematic
  • Bones
  • 2 Gold 
  • Stone Tablet [With picture of portal and 4 items]

PILLAR A - EU Themed

A large hand carved stone with a large skull seperating the base and the top. The mouth is open with northing but dark stone in it.

PILLAR B - Sar Themed

A large pillar with 3 yellow rings with large open eyes in them. The rings connect with eachother and seperate the bottom plate from the top. You can see through the rings and the spaces between the eyes.

PILLAR C - Scout Themed (dragon)

A large pillow with a hand carved dragon made of marble and obsidion seperating the bottom plate and the top plate. The dragons head is looking at the center stage. It looks upset.

PILLAR D - Darwin Themed (Hammer)

A large pillar with an even larger replica of a great hammer. It appears forged from iron, its rusting and there is a large chip in the face of the hammer.

PILLAR E - Lich Themed

A complex pillar made of pure marble. The base and top plates are seperated by two hand carved statues. One of a small child curled up, the other of an older gentleman curled opposite into the child (thing Yin and Yang) The face of the older gentleman is smashed in and can be seen lying on the floor next to the pillar.

PILLAR F - ???? Themed

A large pillar with a golden hand seperating the plates. The hand is in an open position with the palm facing the center. There are carvings in the center which appears to be a closed eye.



  • CIRCLE = Correct Pillar is pointed at but Incorrect Arm


  • DIAMOND = Correct Pillar AND Correct Arm


  • SQUARE = Incorrect Pillar and Incorrect Arm