NPC Information

Here is information about NPC that you have met, where you met them, what they are like. This will only be updated as you meet them.


Name: Where? Description(if any?) Notes:
Barbra Barrel Stario - General Shop Older Halfling that has a small dog named Dodo. She is hyper, excited and quick on her feet. +15 friendship for helping her find her dog by completing the quest, "Finders Keepers"
Sheba Kerwa Stario - Ruins Guild A Half-elf sorcerer who owns the Ruins Guild. She is reserve, intense and respected. +25 friendship for helping the Kings reinstate the Gatspy Tower in the Ujvalli mountain divide. Last interaction she informed the adventurers they could no longer stay with the Guild due to the danger of their mission. She thinks fondly of them.
Larry Dagon Stario - Lazy Lizard Tavern A large red dragonbord bard who is overally kind and generous. +15 friendship (Nephi gets a +5 extra) for helping take down the Crawder brothers who were attacking his Tavern. He loves the adventures and hope they are all well and safe.
Jameson Ultra Stario - Church of Darwin A high elf monk who is the paster for the Church of Darwin in Stario. Hes a grumpy, stuck up older man who looks down on everyone. Attempted to employ Dmitri and Sheleleigh for 4GP a week to play music during his masses but has not hear from them in days. He is also upset about his missing, "Delivery Request" being failed and is devistated at the news of the Church in RHIA burning with his friend inside.
Ben Tili (deceased) Lux - On a Quest TBA A explorer employeed by the Kings of Stario to chart the Ujavili mountain divide. He died by having his soul vomit out of his body by a angry spirit.


Name: Where? Description(if any?) Notes:


Name: Where? Description(if any?) Notes: