Getting into Dungeons and Dragons can be very nerve wracking. Fear not! I'm here to help!


D&D is made up of 3 simple parts.

The DM will create the world around your character by describing the environment. The NPC (Non playable Character) or the encounter they are in. All YOU as the player must do? React. Respond. Explain to the DM what you would like to do based on the information they have provided or NOT provided. You may ask the DM questions before responding. Once you react the DM will then explain what happened! Here are some examples below:

"You enter a small room with a chest in the center of it. The walls are rotten with decay and foilage breaking in from the outside world. You don't see anything or anyone around. What do you do?" "My PC (Player Character) enters the room and steps up to the chest. May I investigate the state of the chest to see if there is anything off with it?" "Of course. Roll an investigation check.** Based on your roll you are able to see that the chest is slightly off. Some details aren't all there and you can feel the chest being... anxious?"
"You sit down at the tavern and see a young woman come up to the counter. She is wearing a barmaid outfit and has a large pitcher of beer in her hand. She smiles at you and approached." "My PC smiles back getting comfortable into the chair and says, 'Howdy ma'am mighty find day aint it? Do you by chance have any food for sale here?" "'Why yes of course, I have turkey legs for 6gold or dried meat for 2gold.' She sets down the beer infront of you. 'This first one is on me' she smiles giving you a wink and heading back to the kitchen."
"The large cave bear rises onto its back legs letting out a terrifying rawr at you." "My PC pulls out his greatsword and stands firm getting ready to defend his injured teammate." (The cave bear rolls to hit** and fails.) "The mightly beast rushes at you attempted to claw your sword away. As it swings its mighty paw it had miscalculated how short you are and misses. It backs up 5ft."

To be Continued....