The Licrio Religion

Prayer to Lich: "Tik, Thou shall grant me peace in my troubles as time does not stop. Tok, Thy soul will forever march forward with perseverance in your name. Tik, Thou takes no sides and holds no favorites, thy name is holy above all. Tok."

God: "Lich"

Symbols: Clocks, Stars, Hands, Time, Numbers

Colors: Gray, Beige, Light Grey

Titles: "God of Time" "The God of Lichren" "The Watcher of Iaatove"

Feast Day: Fall 1st

Relationships: [+1] with Sar [+1] with Eu

Basic Info:

The Religion of Licrio worships the god of time, Lich. He is known to have 2 forms, an older humanoid form with only an upper body. His second form is a masked being with 6 arms. He is younger and wears watches on every arm in order to track what he pleases. Lich is completely impartial to all and knows past, present and future events. He is cool headed and his followers are the most compassionate with accepting all other forms of religion but being true to their own. Lich preaches perspective and understanding all situations are small in comparison to time.

Player Bonus Info:

The followers of Eu get to choose between 2 stat bonuses. 

      Cha        Wis        +1           +1 

Goddess Die

When Eu successfully responds to a players prayer they may be granted a 1d6+1 they can use prior to knowing the outcome of ANY type of roll: action, damage, saving throw, skill check, etc

The God Lich

According to the Licrio:


According to Euism:


According to the Church of Sarosh:



As a following of Lich the god of time wants to give your character more time. So, in order for a player to die they must roll 4 failed death throws rather then the conventional 3. However time spares no one so in order to for a player to live they must also roll 4 success death throws rather then the conventional 3.



Thoughts on the God of Time?

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