Nephi {L]

This is Nephi a 25 year old Tiefling Ranger. Nephi was born to an extremely poor Tiefling couple, living in rather horrid conditions in the Kingdom of Tylis. His mother didn’t survive childbirth. Nephi's father chose to leave the kingdom with his newborn son, eventually coming into contact with fellow travelers searching for a better start somewhere. For the better part of a decade, Nephi grew up within Rumurial’s Hope, as the group had named themselves, traveling the forests of Shion. His group was hit with the Frog Fever of 1494. In an attempt to help his sickened father he stole medicine from a neighboring group; only to have that group massacre his group. He stayed with his fathers murders by force until he was able to escape at 17-years-old and survive on his own.




Locked 2/8/24

No Guild Association

Theme Song:

Demon Hunter -  I Will Fail You

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
Eyes: Pure Gold
Size: Medium
Height: 5'8''
Faith: Believes divine beings exist but doesn't worship any.
Hair: Black, widows peak with tangles, cut to shoulder
Skin: Dark red
Age: 25
Weight: 113lbs

Sexuality: Demiromantic


  • I put no trust in divine beings. I don’t talk about the thing that torments me.
  • I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
  • I expect danger around every corner.
  • Death doesn't scare me, however I won't let the world get the best of me.
  • I'll go down fighting.
  • I am incredibly slow to trust.
  • Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.
  • I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.

Nephi’s a quiet individual at first, rarely speaking to others unless it’s absolutely necessary. When he does, it's short and blunt, coming across as very abrasive. He doesn’t trust others, basically expecting the worst out of everyone. It takes him time to warm up to others, and even then he’s distant and quiet.


Perhaps gain a little more faith in himself (less of his "I'm a jinx" mentality) and find a place (or a few places) to actually call home.



  • Dmitri
  • Shamoes

Best Friends

Good friends

  • Limtaar
  • Sheleleigh
  • Rodmond


After the events of Glorias Request Nephi stayed by his partners side in Svedrom helping create policies, rebuild homes and businesses and be the Svedrom representative at all Civilizations meetings. He travels once a month to his mother's tombstone in the Kingdom of Tylis to pay his respects and keep her up to date with how he is doing. Nephi helped found the "Travelers Rest Stop" in the Sansa Desert to assist travelers and help keep crime down in the desert. He frequently visits Limtaar in the Kingdom of Luck along with the yearly visit to Stario to catch up with all his former party members. Nephi craves adventure and became the first Niohs diplomat to cross the Talulu Ocean by Arogan (Flying Machines) and meet with the King of Mirdow.

Rating: 5 stars
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