Published on 5 October 2023 at 16:50

General World Info:


Start: 8am on SUMMER 4th


Travel: Oasis to Toun


End: 10pm on SUMMER 4th


Encounters: 0 

Deaths: 0

The Glorias Request Adventurers started back around 8am the morning of the 4th of Summer. Sheleleigh and Rodmond had not slept while their newly acquainted lady friend Trisha did sleep. Limtaar meanwhile checks on Ken Silvertongue to make sure he is still alive. He smacks him with a pillow to wake him but due to his own strength he ends up causing 4 damage to Ken since the pillow slammed him against the bedframe. Ken begins to show signs of very low health with his nose bleeding. A new servant named Kyle, a young Tiefling boy arrives at Sheleleighs and Rodmonds door to offer breakfast. Sheleleigh opens the door without any clothes on causing the boy to scream and run off. This scream causes Nephi to wake up and check to see what is going on. He informs a servant the group will go downstairs for breakfast and checks on Sheleleigh and Rodmond. After finding everything is okay he goes to Limtaars door interrupting a dispute between Limtaar and Ken. Ken had called Limtaar a monster and other insults enraging Nephi. Nephi pulls out the dagger he was hiding and throws it at Ken. The dagger sticks straight into Kens forehead instantly killing the captive. Nephi shrugs this off and the majority of the group goes downstairs for breakfast. Nephi and Dmitri talk about how they feel the mission is going and whether they want to continue. After some deep conversation they meet everyone downstairs. While they were talking the rest of the group orders a big old meal from Raven for their last breakfast at Ravens Stay and Play Inn. Everyone, including Trisha, takes a seat at a table. Nephi and Dmitri confront the group about their feelings and the group has an intense discussion about the future of the group, the mission and what they are feeling. In the end they decide to continue on with Glorias Request and decide they want to start a revolution in the Kingdom of Zlo, overthrowing King Sut'r and saving Dmitris enslaved and brutalized people. After breakfast they ask Raven, a tavern owner with a memory of an Elephant, if they had seen any former citizens of Svedrom in Oasis. Raven informs them they've seen 3 or 4 of them and that hes pretty sure they went through the Great Tunnel into Toun already. The group packs up, paying their hefty tabs and heads to the Tunnel. 


Room 1 (Sheleleigh)                                           Room 2 (Nephi)                                                          Room 3 (Limtaar)

   > 115GP for Room Service                                 > 210GP for Room Service                                        > 60GP for Room Service (Paid by "T")

   > 108GP for Breakfast                                        > 100GP for Bribe and Clean up Money

> 223GP total                                                       > 310GP total                                                               > 0GP total


As they arrive at the Tunnel entrance they meet the same 2 problematic guards from the day before. The guards inform them that the current set price is 250GP per person with the acception of Limtaar who must pay 300GP because hes a Dragonborn. The group detests but is unable to change the guards mind (sheleleigh tried). The group agree to split the 50GP difference for limtaar and everyone pays 360GP to enter the Great Tunnel. They travel 6 hours (10am to 4pm) through the tunnel before arriving in the lower section of the Kingdom of Toun. Dmitri and Nephi spot one of the citizens Raven described go into the Tavern and decide to follow. Sheleleigh and Rodmon go to check out the center building with the large elevator that leads to the surface. Shamoes and Limtaar look around and follow a possible citizen into the Miners Association Guild. The group would spend the next several hours locating 3 individuals, Quentin, a huge fanboy of the former prince. Trais, a young adventure hungry (and clumsy) elf. And Lintiach, a faint of heart young man who would do anything for his prince. Sheleleigh and Rodmond follow the last possible citizen up to the surface. The session ends with everyone getting the 3 citizens on board with the idea of revolting against King Sut'r and they plan to head to Rose to intercept Dmitris former Nanny/Mother figure Aine. They head up the elevator purchasing unlimited passes and we will start there next time. 

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