Published on 2 November 2023 at 22:01

General World Info:


Start: 10pm on SUMMER 4th


Travel: Oasis to Toun


End: 6pm on SUMMER 5th


Encounters: 1 

Deaths: 0

Our group starts out on Summer 4th at around 10:00 PM on the top of the Kingdom of Toun. The group is divided into, with Sheleleigh and Rodmond being somewhere around and the others looking for them. Nephi is able to witnessed the boy's head into Archies Arcane shop and the group plus the three elves head in. Meanwhile, Sheleleigh and Rodmond enter into Archies and meet the mute man who can only speak through writing due to him not having a tongue. They instantly trust him and he offers Shillelagh for 20 gold a sack, which he describes as, “Magical” I feel like we trust him with his life and purchases this magical sack. Rodmond, curious of what he could get, requests a magical item from Archie in which Archie hands him a square box for 20 gold. By this point the others finally enter into the shop. Dmitri is the first that wants to also purchase a magical item and receives a bag with a pretty bowtie. Shamoes joins in by purchasing a tiny square box as well. Archie requests that when they open their items, they do not do so in the store. Nephi is able to make an insight check and notice that while Archie has good intentions, he's a bit of a trickster. The group heads outside to open up their new items.

Sheleleigh recieved

"A Bag of Magic Beans"

A bag of beans that once planted sprout into a beanstalk... but the height of the beanstalk is based on a 1D20 roll.

Dmitri received

"The Shifting Cloak of Blending"

A Shifting Cloak of Blending that allows the user once its on to blend into a background perfectly... however the background the cloak chooses is based on a 1d8 roll. It may not match the circumstances.

Rodmond received

"An all seeing orb"

An all seeing orb with its eyestone. Once the eyestone is activated the orb with show the user whatever the front of the rock will see. Be warned the rock and orb have low hit points and simply dropping one will shatter both. 

Shamoes received

"A non-toxic cube ring"

A non-toxic cube ring allows the wearer to spawn a 10ft by 10ft gelatinous cube in the direction that it is pointing. The cube is bouncy and squishable. Its inner properties are unknown but with a second tap of the ring it will despawn.

Sheleleigh and Shamoes switch items and Archies Arcane closes up shop since its about 11pm now. The group decides to stay the night at the local inn. There they meet Tommy.A local who is desperately trying to become a great herbologist. They note that the inn is decked out and covered in plants of all different kinds and species.They learn that the herbologist is having difficulty with two of his plants. A large Snapdragon in room 104 which seems to be aggressive and unhappy no matter what he does. And a large Beasttrap plan (larger version of its cousin the flytrap) named Lily located down the hallway by room 101. The adventurers inform him that they have a spell called Talk with Plants and if for a discount they will help him. He happily agrees, and the group split up to go talk to the plants. Shamus, Limitar and Rodman head down to Room 104 and come face to face with a large, menacing looking red Snapdragon plant. After casting Talk With Plants, Sheamus learns that the Snapdragon is carnivorous and is starving for meat. Limtaar, having had shark meat in his bag from the beach session in RHIA, offers the meat to the Snappy the Snapdragon. It happily accepts and eats all of the meat and seems to recede in size and calm down. They go back to inform the innkeeper. Meanwhile, down the hall Dmitri And Nephi meet the large and aggressive beasttrap Lily. Lily also informs the duo that she is carnivorous and has been dying for meat but can't seem to get anybody to feed her any. The duo offer her some of their meatier rations and she accepts eating it ferociously before settling back into her pot happily. They then head back to the front desk to inform the innkeeper of their discovery. While the group was split up, Sheleleigh stayed behind with Tom. After talking to him about some adventures, Tom informs Sheleleigh of the fact that some plants seem to have intelligence while others do not. He then points to a small potted plant with a single stem and a single leaf behind him. The plants name is Rupert and according to Tom it has little to no intelligence and he cannot seem to make it grow. Sheleleigh, entranced by the small potted plant, runs an insight check and notices this tiny plant is blood lustful. It immediately peaks his interest.

"A Blood-drop Plant"

The rest of the group comes back and informs Tom why his plants are upset. He's extremely thankful and gives them a 50% discount on their rooms. Limtaar gets the room with Snappy. The eld trio get their own room. The lovers get their own room and Sheleleligh and Redmond have their own. Before the depart Sheleleigh asks if he can buy Rupert the plant. Tom explains he had found a red raindrop shaped seed, and it grew into Rupert. But after not being able to grow him no matter how much he watered he wouldn't mind giving him away. Robert is purchased for 3 gold and Sheleleigh takes it to his room. Nephi, after hearing of the seed description realizes its a Blooddrop plant. A rare plant that only grows from blood. Depending on the blood class it is fed the plant will gain different abilities. Nephi remembers that a barbarian's blood will make the plant extra-large and aggressive. If it is fed a paladin's blood it will grow large thorns that can be used as one hit daggers. Nephi warns the group of giving it their blood and informs Sheleleigh of his knowledge before going back to bed. Sheleleigh, unable to sleep (day 2 of 3 on the Wakey Bakey drugs) decides to give Rupert some of his bardly blood. After feeding Rupert blood the plant grows another stem and one extra leaf. The group takes a long rest and wakes up around 7am on Summer 5th.

Sheleleigh puts Rupert in his backpack and he and Rodmond head to the front for breakfast. Limtaar wakes up noticing Snappy is wrapped around him cuddling him. So he decides to stay in bed a little longer. Nephi and Dimitri head out of their room to grab breakfast and to wake up the elf trio. They then go and wake up Shamus, Get Limtaar up and 

moving. The group meet the other innkeeper. And purchase 9 one day rations for the road. They then head out east towards the village of Rose. They traveled to the first crossroad, keeping east, and heading on before being interrupted by two large dire wolves. They are unable to avoid the encounter as the dire wolf attempts to attack Limtaar first. The adventurers managed to incapacitate one dire wolf while Sheleleigh was able to talk the other dire wolf into committing suicide thus completing this encounter. They then head on and entered the village of Rose around 3:00 PM. The group splits up again with Nephi and Sheleleigh heading towards the goblin group that had previously stolen their things while they slept in the Sansa Desert. Rodman decides to investigate. A lonely man in one of the plots. While Limtaar Shamoes and Dimitri head to the general store. After Dmitri realizes. The person they are looking for is not in the general store they head to the Tavern with the three elves in toe. Dmitri and Limitar decide to buy the group a plot in Rose for the week. Meanwhile, Shillelagh and Nephi confront the Goblins and get their attuned items with no issues. Rodmond, on the other hand, confronts the lone man and has a flashback after spotting a large scar on his neck. Realizing he knows this man from somewhere and that he had done something to him and his sister. The man becomes agitated and hides in his tent Rodmond is able to intercept a raven that has a note stating, “Hes back!” But it's unclear to who the message was being sent to. Rodman and decides to back off and go to their plot. Dimitri and the three elves enter into the Tavern and Dimitri Ends up reuniting with his mother Aine. Someone who he thought had died after being confronted with the false information back at the Gatsby Tower in Lux. Aine informs Dimitri that they can't talk now but that he should bring his adventuring group to the Tavern around 5:00 PM to talk. Dmitri goes back to their plot to inform everyone of who he located and what the next plan is.

The group waits till 5:00pm and arrives at the Tavern as specified. They all sit down and begin discussing in secret terms about their plan to have a revolution and take back the Kingdom of Svedrom. They also have some heartwarming moments where Dimitri's mother gets to meet his partners. The group ends their session with getting to meet Mama Rose, the owner of the village of Rose, and a major player in Ames plan to overthrow King S’tur. They continue to talk until the session ended but next session will resume in the conversation.

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