Welcome to the World of Jule. One world, many campaigns, many adventures. For more information on the lore please review this page. If there will not be any spoilers just a basic overview of the world.

(A basic map of the World of Jule)


Welcome to the World of Jule. A 3 tiered island like planet kept together by gravity and the rejection from the outer void of space. Each tier has wildly diverse properties and mysteries to discover. 

The Dagon Isles

At the very top of the world, you have the Dagon Isles. A cluster of large, luscious islands with visible waterfalls and small sparkles in the underlayers. Who or what lives up there depends on who you ask. Some religions state powerful gods live up there. Others state that is where Dragons came from or where Magic was born. Others state they are otherworldly beings that grant the humanoids who venture there 1 wish. No one knows for sure but the largest religion: The church of Darwin stated that a man named Darwin with the helped of a tamed dragon flew up to the Dagon Isles when they were all connected as one large island and smashed it with a mighty hammer destroying it into smaller islands in order to allow Iattove to see sunlight and thrive. 

*DM Trick: You can ask any priest or head of a church or faith what they believe about the Dagon Isles in order to get more info.

The Venzo

The Vezno is mostly unknown to the worlds above it. Its presence is only known through some small texts found in the continents of  Sarcana and Lichren and in southern regions of Eushi. It is a place stated to be like an unforgiving death. A place of forgotten beings, places, times, items and worlds. It's unclear how long the Vezno has been around or how it was created but humanoids living on Iattove understands the Vezno is the lowest part of Jule and they must never venture there. Luckily for them, no one knows how.

Many religions make the Vezno out to be similar to an underworld or hellish landscape and state that is where evil comes from.

*DM Trick: You can ask any priest or head of a church or faith what they believe about the Vezno in order to get more info. This depends on the region.

The Iattove Plane

This is world of Iattove otherwise known as the Iattove Plane. The only known inhabited part of the World of Jule. This plane is divided into 3 continents. 3 bodies of water and is surrounded by large BlackRock cliffs that keep everything enclosed except for on the west and east side. The Empire of Onyx discovered and published its findings into how this world formed 180 years ago during the Science Era. They found that the BlackRock cliffs have large powerful underwater volcanos imbedded into them that when they explode, they create landmasses that then form the continents we know today. This would explain why over hundreds of years the continents seemed to get bigger with new land growth seen where the Blackstone cliffs meet the continent. Onyx also noted that the continent of Eushi is shifting more south even without volcanic intervention. The reason is still unknown. 

A Birdseye view of Iattove according to current campaign discoveries.

Here's a Breakdown of the geographical features of Iattove.


Eushi is a large diverse continent on the northern part of Iattove. It stands alone with no other continents accessible except by flight. Eushi is more in the style of medieval times after the great Dragon Migration cut them off from being able to trade and interact with Sarcana and Lichren. Eushi is divided by the great Sansa Desert; a brutally hot and difficult terrain that makes travel dangerous between the two regions. Most opt to take a boat but prices have skyrocketed and makes it near impossible for the average person to travel by boat. 

The north is called Niohs while the south is called Shoin. Both regions are filled with empires, kingdoms and towns. 


It is important to note that continent is not run by 1 supreme ruler nor are the regions of Eushi. The lands are ruled by kingdoms or empires.

Eushi has some major geographical features including...

  • Mount Yitzo: An Extremely tall mountain covered in snow and ice.
  • Murphys Swamp: A large Lucious swamp where a small town is located.
  • The Yato River: The longest river coming from Mount Yitzo and traveling west to the Southern Hischu Sea.
  • The Ujavili Mountain Divide: A large cluster of mountains traveling from the Svedrom River through the Sansa Desert and ending in Shoin. 
  • The Sansa Desert: A difficult and dangerous desert spanning the entire center of Eushi. 
  • Lake Jossi: The continents deepest lake.
  • Lake Bank: A lake stated to give those who throw gold into it good luck. Others call it a sham by the Kingdom of Luck.
  • The Forest of Yaro: A dense forest in the center of Shoin stated to be full of evil monsters.

The Land of Niohs (North)

The northern half of Eushi. This region has 3 kingdoms, 1 Empire, and 7 towns to explore.

  • Kingdom of Toun
    • Town of Oasis
  • Kingdom of Luck
    • Town of Greed
    • Town of Dinkleburg
  • Kingdom of Svedrom (Formally Zlo before 1509AD)
    • Town of Doe
  • Empire of Photra
    • Settlement of Rose
    • Town of Driplet
    • Town of Lukout
  • 1509AD+
    • Travelers Rest Stop

The Land of Shoin (South)

The southern half of Eushi. This region has 2 kingdoms, 1 Empire and has 6 towns to explore.

  • Kingdom of Stario
    • Town of Lux
    • Town of Rhia
  • Kingdom of Tylis
    • Town of Kintrid
  • Empire of Myra 
    • Town of Polsher
    • Town of Ontra
    • Town of Zink

It is also noted Shoin has only a few wondering tribes that mostly state near Lake Jossi. 

[Underlined names mean a campaign has explored them]





*Please check on this later to see if it has been updated.






*Please check on this later to see if it has been updated.

Southern Hische Sea

A vastly calm and orderly sea surrounding the Continent of Eushi. It has been fully charted out and navigational. There isn't much to do in this ocean. Fish and underwater creatures are plentiful. 

The Trisearch Sea

A sea dividing Sarcana and Lichren. It is overall calm but during the night it gets aggressively rough and changes directions causing boats to be pushed out north toward the Great Smog.

The Talulu Ocean

A raging unforgiving ocean that divides Iattove into to separate sections. No boat has ever been able to pass by water through this ocean. The water current is different and changes pushing boats towards the Great Smog or over the edge of the Great Falls of Talulu on the east and west edges of Iattove.