Welcome to Glorias Request. The first Homebrew Campaign created by me in April 2023. 

The Synopsis

Glorias Request is a campaign about discovery, bravery and the greater good of the world. We watch as our Players grow into confident powerful users under the guidance of Sheba Kerwa the owner of the Ruins Guild in the Kingdom of Stario. Our players helped those around them and gained friendship with all until one day they met Gloria. Gloria explained frantically her daughter Zoey was taken by some cloaked individuals. The group, filled with courage decided to take on her Request to bring her home her daughter even after everyone, including Sheba said it was a lost clause. They left the guild traveling the lands looking for clues for where Glorias daughter could be.


  • When? 1509 A.D (After Darwin)
  • Where in the World? Eushi
  • Where did it Start: Kingdom of Stario in Shoin
  • How many players? 5 + a DM PC
  • Start Date: April 24th 2023
  • End Date: February 8th, 2024
  • Deaths? Zero
  • Season? Spring to Summer







The group awaken around 8am and discover they have been robbed of some very important weapons and items. They are able to track the group north and follow the tracks to a small water pond and a tree. 

This pond and tree end up turning against them and forming into a large water elemental and an animated tree. The encounter ends with the group escaping by the skin of their teeth and heading west instead. 

They follow the footprints around a Cultist Camp and find their way to the wild town of Oasis by about 5pm. The group split up going on their own seperate adventures where we leave off at about 7pm.

SUMMER 2 1509AD (Party is robbed of prized posessions)

They arrive and set up camp around 3am in the desert. They wake up around 8am and head deeper into the Sansa desert encounter 4 abnormally large Dust Mephits fighting them and ultimately defeating them.

The group head north and find a nice rock and tree to sleep, heal and get away from the heat. They arrive there just before midnight and take a longrest.


The players wake him to the smell of burning wood and learn that Shelelighs shenanigans got Baron the Blacksmith burned to a crisp. They decide to buy some hotcakes and sneak out of town to the Sansa desert. They leave for Sansa with no issue around 10am arriving to the statue of Sansa herself around noon. Everyone but sheleleigh earns her blessings and the group travels east to RHAs statue hoping for his. 

They arrive at his statue around 15:00 and everyone but Sheleleigh and Shamoes earn his blessing. They then head into the sansa desert seeing their first trail at around 21:00. They quickly skip by it and travel deeper into the desert until they set up camp at around 3am.

SPRING 22 1509AD (Rodmond joins party)

The group wakes up around 9am and decide to head into the festival to see what is going on. They meet people from all around the continent including a man named Lenny who happens to be selling black market china and utensils from the former kingdom of Svedrom. The group buys the items and other items from some of the vendors before settling down to watch to festival. The Festival of Rha was going to have a human sacrifice for the first time in years due to the unpassable sandstorm shrowding the Sansa desert. To the group's horror they realize the sacrifice is Lenny the vendor from earlier. They are able to insight that it is against his will and they notice guards searching through his vendor shop. They quickly attempt to escape Tylis knowing the Royal Zlo guards are looking for Soreana. They grab what they need and head out the eastern city gates discovering 5 guards waiting for them. 1 of them the general from Zlo. 

The group enter an encounter with them smashing one of the plates from Lenny and creating a thick powerful blizzard. You complete the encounter traveling safely to Kintrid arriving around 12pm.

You all do some shopping earning a large amount of money for the Ruby Nephi got from the Crotcher Tunnels. The group finishes up and goes to the Tavern around 5pm learning of a traveling show that is here in Kintrid. Ken Silvertongues Magical Wonders. After he spots Soreana in the crowd and everyone avoided the tainted alcohol shots an encounter breaks out. The group is able to kill 3 cultists and capture Ken alive dragging him back to the Kintrid Tavern across the street. They all stole tickets to the Summer Blood Ball happening in Zlo and take a long rest.

SPRING 21 1509AD (Dmitri and Shamoes Anniversary)

The group wakes up and travels 12 hours to Tylis arriving around 5pm to the southern part of Tylis. Sheleligh scams a woman out of her horse in return for a dulcimer and a dead firefly before making his way to the Tavern. Shamoes and Soreana head into town by themselves. Limtaar, Nephi, and Sheleleigh win 200gp and free drinks in an arm wrestling match against the men in the Tavern. (Technically only Limtaar did) They then decide to take a long rest in the tavern. 

SPRING 20 1509AD

They set up camp and take a long rest from 2am to 10am. They wake up and decide to take the path labeled, "Tylis" unfortunately bringing them directly into the Forbidden Forest of Yaro. They travel from 10am to 12pm before realizing they are in the forest. They attempt to get their way out but grow more lost wandering from 12pm to 3pm. They eventually find their way out after tricking the Treeman and giving him their horse Norman. They travel from Yaro back to the origionally crossroads taking a long rest. 

SPRING 19 1509AD

They set up camp and sleep from 3am to 11am. They then continue to travel meeting an older gentleman named George who seems lost.

Crossroad to Crossroad (11am to 5pm) they bring this gentlemen along before he disappears out of no where. They decide to not investigate any further.

Crossroad to Crossroad (5pm to 2am)

SPRING 18 1509AD

They awaken around 8am at Travons and decide to travel to Tylis. 

RHIA to Crossroad (7am to 10am)

Crossroad to Crossroad (10am to 6pm)

Crossroad to Crossroad (6pm -3am)


The adventures wake up to a woman screaming in the guild. They quickly investigate meeting Gloria who informs them her young child was taken from her home by the Cultist group the players had just learned about from LUX. The players are given an ultimatum by their guild and choose to pursue the Request and quit the guild. They travel to Gloria's house looking for clues then decide to head to RHIA after burying the black pearl in the yard of Gloria's house. They arrive in RHIA around 12pm. They learn on the way that the Kingdom of Luck has fallen and is now under Onyx control.

They arrive in RHIA to discover the place is quite different from what they remembered. Its empty, desolate, and melancholy. They stop by Travons house. They leave to go shopping in town.

They pick up Soreana clothing and do some shopping at Bens Blacksmith, Tinas Textiles and Leos Luxuries. Shelelgeigh attempts to rob Leo but is caught and ends up fighting him, winning, and discovering he is a cultist member. The group learns the identity of the Cultist group, "The apocicles of Dreki".

The group comes back by dinner time taking a long rest at Travons house. 

SPRING 16 1509AD

The depressed group travel quickly back to LUX. They get some long rest in when they arrive at the Inn. They awaken around 11am and discover something bad has happened to LUX. They quickly learn of a Cult that had stolen 2 children and brutally attacked a man for no good reason. They try to get more info from people at the Tavern but instead witness a man suddenly die. They quickly escape from LUX with Staio Guards hot on their trail. They arrive at Stario around 21:00. Everyone takes a longrest.

SPRING 15 1509AD

The group awaken up by Soreana growing alarmed that something is surrounding their camp. It is around 5am. They successfully defeat the Goblin encounter and head up the mountain arriving at their destination around 12pm. They enter the large tower and begin to notice something is wrong. They finish the encounter in the tower brutally beaten and head back to their previous camp. They spend the night there.

SPRING 14 1509AD

They awaken on SPRING 14 at 5am. They get ready for their quest and head off around 9am. They avert a goblin encounter and a ravine ability check before finding a place to set up camp in the middle of the Ujavili Mountain divide around 7pm. They stay up a bit before getting in a long rest.

SPRING 13 1509AD

They arrive back in STARIO at around 1:00 on SPRING 13. They bond over some crystal wine they were given by Travon and all eventually take a drunken long rest.

They awaken at 12pm. They do some shopping learning Luck and Onyx are at war. They decide to complete their quest in LUX so they travel to LUX. They get into LUX around 7pm and do some shopping before going to sleep at 9pm.

SPRING 12 1509AD

The group finish their murder of the priest/cultist Benki and his cultists and and arrive by at Travons house by 3:00am. They have a bit of a disagreement before all taking a bitter long rest. They sleep from 4:00 to 11:00. 

They spend there day at the beach before Shamoes is attacked by a vicious shark. LIMTAAR GAINS SHARK MEAT (Meat is only good till SUMMER 12

They then finish up the encounter and leave town traveling as such:

  • …from RHIA to CROSS with no encounter. (time: 13:00)
    • They choose to go NORTH
  • …they travel from CROSS to LUX with no encounter (time: 15:00)
    • They turn around and head SOUTH
  • …they travel south and run into an travel encounter (time: 17:00)
    • They successfully cross a raging river that had washed away part of the road. (+50XP)
  • …they traven from CROSS to STARIO with no encounter (time: 01:00 on DAY 13)

SPRING 11 1509AD

The group traveled to RHIA. Soreana goes to Tinas Textiles and requests for his clothes to be fixed. She states she will have them done in 3 days but will only hold them till SPRING 21.

The group stays with Travon and learns of his past. They sneak out and kill Benki and his other cultist members before accidently burning the church to the ground. The encounter takes them past midnight.

SPRING 10 1509AD

The group still deep within the Crotcher Tunnels and having just defeated Anthio decide to keep going. They head deeper into the tunnels. They complete a lore puzzle and are able to find the dog. They head out of the tunnels only slightly lost and are able to avoid fighting the large spider queen after them. They return to Stario turning in the completed quest and picking up "Finders Keepers". They take a long rest.


The group wakes up in RHIA heading to Benki to explain what went wrong but fail to convince them. Benki demands his stuff back in 1 week time (SPRING 16) or there will be consequences. 

The group travel back to Stario taking up the quest, "Finders Keepers" They head into the Crotcher tunnels in search of Barbras dog.

They fight a cave bear and then a spider-like druid in 2 intence encounters. These fights past midnight.


           Wanted/Missing Posters seen             on Tavern Walls

Glorias Request Session Announcements